General information about company

Name of The CompanyOptimus Finance Limited
BSE Scrip Code531254
NSE Symbol
MSE Symbol
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2024
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2025
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2024
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2024
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsLakhs
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.
Whether the updated Related Party Transactions (RPT) Policy (in compliance with Reg. 23 of SEBI LODR) has been uploaded on the website of the Company?Yes
Latest Date on which RPT policy is updated29-05-2024
Indicate Company website link for updated RPT policy of the Company

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CHolding CompanyInterest receivedNo16.8500Textual Information(1)
2Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CHolding CompanyInter-corporate deposit5000No161.85294.17448.52Inter-corporate deposit0.085136 monthsUnsecured Business purposeTextual Information(2)
3Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CHolding CompanyAny other transactionLoan given that are repaid5000No7.5294.17448.52Textual Information(3)
4Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JVinay PandyaAAMPP6714EDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.090.030Textual Information(4)
5Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JDivya ZalaniCYGPB8134EDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.090.030Textual Information(5)
6Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JRahil ThakerAPIPT4491FDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.090.030Textual Information(6)
7Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JKrati GuptaDBZPG5580ECompany SecretaryRemunerationNo1.760.310.38Textual Information(7)
8Optimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JDipak RavalABJPR4967MWhole time director RemunerationNo20.693.063.87Textual Information(8)
9Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HOptimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JHolding CompanyAny other transactionRent Income0.78No0.7800Textual Information(9)
10Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CUltimate Holding CompanyAny other transactionRent Income0.08No0.0800Textual Information(10)
11Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Global FZEZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryInterest receivedNo19.032.1211.08Textual Information(11)
12Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMX Africa LimitedZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryInterest receivedNo46.884.1411.43Textual Information(12)
13Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CUltimate Holding CompanyInterest receivedNo4.6900Textual Information(13)
14Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HAxofin Advisors Private LimitedAASCA6536GEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceInterest receivedNo2.6100Textual Information(14)
15Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HOptimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JHolding CompanyInterest paidNo3.9300Textual Information(15)
16Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HQuebec Petroleum Resource LimitedAAACQ1596NEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influencePurchase of goods or services5000No50.56267.1672.27Textual Information(16)
17Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HVinay PandyaAAMPP6714EDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.150.030Textual Information(17)
18Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HDivya ZalaniCYGPB8134EDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.150.030Textual Information(18)
19Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HRahil ThakerAPIPT4491FDirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting FeesNo0.060.030Textual Information(19)
20Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMX Africa LimitedZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of ExpensesNo00.440.44Textual Information(20)
21Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMX Africa LimitedZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryInter-corporate depositNo866.14541.931403.46Inter-corporate deposit0.0984 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(21)
22Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Global FZEZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryInter-corporate depositNo212.92277.91488.77Inter-corporate deposit0.0996 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(22)
23Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CUltimate Holding CompanyInter-corporate deposit5000No45158.68108.99Inter-corporate deposit0.0937 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(23)
24Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HAxofin Advisors Private LimitedAASCA6536GEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceInter-corporate deposit5000No13.154.567.6Inter-corporate deposit0.0955 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(24)
25Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HAxofin Advisors Private LimitedAASCA6536GEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceAny other transactionLoan given that are repaidNo054.567.6Textual Information(25)
26Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HOptimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JHolding CompanyLoan5000No175.25292.352.5Loan0.08573 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(26)
27Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HOptimus Finance LimitedAABCT7283JHolding CompanyAny other transactionLoan taken that are repaidNo465.1292.352.5Textual Information(27)
28Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HSukruti Infratech Private LimitedAAPCS1185CUltimate Holding CompanyAny other transactionLoan given that are repaidNo94.69158.68108.99Loan0.0937 MONTHSUnsecured Business PurposeTextual Information(28)
29Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Global FZEZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or servicesNo000Textual Information(29)
30Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Global FZEZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of ExpensesNo06.550Textual Information(30)
31Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiarySale of goods or services5000No2.2202.26Textual Information(31)
32Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HQuebec Petroleum Resource LimitedAAACQ1596NEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceSale of goods or services5000No1.501.77Textual Information(32)
33Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAdvanceNo5.4505.41Textual Information(33)
34Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMaximus Global FZEZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionCommission incomeNo3.192.426.19Textual Information(34)
35Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transactionCommission incomeNo3.475.291.33Textual Information(35)
36Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HDivya PrajapatiCZYPP7071HCompany SecretaryRemunerationNo2.240.420.46Textual Information(36)
37Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HMilind JoshiAULPJ8200EChief Financial OfficerRemunerationNo11.23.373.39Textual Information(37)
38Maximus International LimitedAAKCM0787HQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of ExpensesNo010.470Textual Information(38)
39MX Africa LimitedAAAAA9999ZQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryInter-corporate deposit5000No525.3986.98611.93Textual Information(39)
40MX Africa LimitedAAAAA9999ZSKG Energy PTE LTDZZZZZ9999ZEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceAny other transactionOther PayablesNo092.03-194.89Textual Information(40)
41 Quantum Lubricants (E.A) LtdAAAAA9999ZR S GandhiABYPG0971BRelative of Person having control or significant influenceRemunerationNo27.093.814.56Textual Information(41)
42 Quantum Lubricants (E.A) LtdAAAAA9999ZSKG Energy PTE LTDZZZZZ9999ZEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influencePurchase of goods or services5000No091.517.47Textual Information(42)
43 Quantum Lubricants (E.A) LtdAAAAA9999ZQuebec Petroleum Resource LimitedAAACQ1596NEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceAny other transaction-No0233.49234.63Textual Information(43)
44 Quantum Lubricants (E.A) LtdAAAAA9999ZSKG Energy PTE LTDZZZZZ9999ZEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceAny other transactionOther receivableNo017.1517.58Textual Information(44)
45Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryInterest receivedNo22.74022.74Textual Information(45)
46Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryInter-corporate deposit5000No0904.75909.25Textual Information(46)
47Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or services5000No1324.6674.55-617.3Textual Information(47)
48Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiarySale of goods or services5000No000Textual Information(48)
49Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiarySale of goods or services5000No0-115.9-304.15Textual Information(49)
50Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZQuebec Petroleum Resource LimitedAAACQ1596NEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceAny other transactionTrade ReceivableNo081.2181.62Textual Information(50)
51Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transaction-No0115.62129.58Textual Information(51)
52Maximus Lubricants LLCAAAAA9999ZAniruddh GandhiBBNPG1052PPerson having control or significant influenceRemunerationNo62.563.274.56Textual Information(52)
53Maximus Lubricants LLCAAAAA9999ZAnand MuleyBUQPM6598ADirectorRemunerationNo10.691.451.46Textual Information(53)
54Maximus Lubricants LLCAAAAA9999ZSKG Energy PTE LTDZZZZZ9999ZEnterprises over which Person/close family member have control or significant influenceSale of goods or services5000No0-11.5-23.22Textual Information(54)
55Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZAniruddh GandhiBBNPG1052PPerson having control or significant influenceLoan5000No32.283.550Textual Information(55)
56Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZAniruddh GandhiBBNPG1052PPerson having control or significant influenceInterest paidNo0.240.940Textual Information(56)
57Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMX Africa LimitedZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryLoanNo0134.43135.1Textual Information(57)
58Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZMX Africa LimitedZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned SubsidiaryInterest paidNo6.019.2215.36Textual Information(58)
59Maximus Global FZEAAAAA9999ZQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transaction-No089.0513.62Textual Information(59)
60Quantum Lubricants (E.A) LtdAAAAA9999ZMaximus Lubricants LLCZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transaction-No7.9607.96Textual Information(60)
61MX Africa LimitedAAAAA9999ZQuantum Lubricants (E.A) LimitedZZZZZ9999ZStepdown SubsidiaryAny other transactionCommission incomeNo7.636.947.7Textual Information(61)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period4266.56

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Textual Information(11)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(12)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
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Textual Information(20)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(21)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(22)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
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Textual Information(29)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(30)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(31)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
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Textual Information(33)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(34)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(35)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
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Textual Information(38)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered ZZZZZ9999Z for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(39)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(40)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(41)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(42)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(43)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(44)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(45)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(46)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(47)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(48)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(49)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(50)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(51)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(52)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(53)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(54)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(55)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(56)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(57)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(58)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(59)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(60)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.
Textual Information(61)1. Being a Foreign Company, PAN is not available. 2. In absence of PAN, we have entered AAAAA9999Z and ZZZZZ9999Z for party and counter party respectively for validating XBRL Excel Sheet.